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Saturday, November 27, 2004

New Look~
Ok~ I've Changed My Blog Skin.. Thanx, Nana For Reminding Mi~ HaHaX.. I Choose Tis Skin Cos It's In Dull Colour, Black n Gray.. There's Onli Bright Colours From The Pictures or From The Text Of My Blog Entry.. This Blog Skin Is Just Like My Life Which Involving Mainly In Black n Gray But There's Wonderful Nice Colours Here n There.. And I Shall Thanx My Dearie Frenz, Family For Colouring My Life~ HeHeX..
Ok.. Gonna Update Here.. Watch The Incredibles Last Week Or The Week Before Last Week.. Cant Realli Remb.. However, It's A Great Movie.. Cute N Funny~ HeHeX..
Went To buy Birthday Presents For Mum Wif Fiona On Thurs.. Bought A Pendant For Mum.. Hope She Like It.. HeHeX.. U Noe Wat? Ping's Mum Bday Is On 1st Of Dec, My Mum's B'day Is On 2nd Of Dec While Fiona's Mum Bday Is On 3rd Of Dec.. So Qiao Rite? Hahax.. The World Is So Small.. HaHaX.. Why I Sae Tt? Nt Onli Cos Of This.. Oso Cos Tt Esther Cannot Interested In Noeing A Guy She Saw In JL Sales Which The Guy Happen To Be My Sec Sch Mate.. Wahahax.. I was Like Kind Of Surprise When Esther Pointed To Mi The Guy She Feel Like Noeing.. HaHax.. So I Help Esther Tell Him Tt She Wanna Make Fren Wif Him And Ya, He Very De Steady Lohx.. Ask Mi To Gif Him Her No. Hahax.. So Tis Is How They Start To Noe Each Other.. HaHaX.. And So, I've Become Esther's Mei Ren.. HaHax.. She Damn Excited Bout Him Lahx.. Always Update Mi What's Goin On Between Them n Wat The Tok Bout Etc.. HahaX.. But Happy That She Share Wif Mi Her Excitment n Happiness.. Wahahax.. Esther, Keep Undating Mi Hor~! HeHeX.. And Jia You~! Dreamz Will Come Through Yeah? HeHeX..
Gonna Starts Sch On Mon.. Sianx.. Haven Got Enough of Holidays~ Haix.. Mei Ban Fa.. Hu Ask Mi To Be Full-Time Student? Lolx.. So gonna Slp Le.. Chaoz~

P.S Here Are Some Quizzes I've Done When I Ws Bored...

Fairy tales, your love will be like an imaginary
story, you love to love, you believe you have
only one soul mate is waiting for you some
where in this world and you are sure you will
find them one day, and when you do you will
make them the happiest in the whole world.

Where will you find love?
brought to you by

Mint Tea
Mint Tea...You are Mint Tea!Naturally sweet you have a happy-go-lucky attitude.
The world is full of fun and wonder! Although
you can be naive at times and quite aloof to
your surroundings you know how to have good
clean fun! Most people see you as cute and very
gentle by nature and it is most likely true.
You have a great outlook on life and you try
not to let things get to you. Go you!

What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-}
brought to you by

The Beaten Path

size="2">You take the Beaten
Afterall, that's what it's there for right? You are
content with the options alreadylaid out for you definitely of the "If it
ain't broke, don't fix it." frame ofmind. You tend to be a follower rather than a
leader, but that's fine becauseall good leaders must first be good followers. You
tend to follow the crowdsliving life the tried and true way, often letting
others make the decisions.Just don't forget you have a mind too. Never be
afraid to voice your ideas oropinions, no matter how ridiculous others may think
they are. This beaten pathis your comfort zone, you want and deserve company
on your travels trough lifeas you are probably a very friendly and kind
individual, always putting theneeds of others before your own. That's an
excellent and all too rare quality.Never lose it. But being surrounded isn't always
the best. People tend to tryand take charge and advantage of the fact and if
you aren't careful, it'llbe your life that's been taken over. Venture away
from your well-traveled roadand find your own away. Head down that road
less-traveled and see what's therebecause though the path you're on may have been
done before, that doesn'tnecessarily make it the right one for you. Step out
of your comfort zone andtake some risks you wouldn't normally take, make
mistakes, and make some timefor just you. Indulge and be a little selfish.
You'll come out all the betterfor it.

What Path Do You Take In Life? [X]For Guys and Gals! Pics and Lengthy Results.[X]
brought to you by

~ { 3:04 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Hey, I'm back~! Well.. I've watched 2 movies last wk.. Shark TaleWith yk and Princess Diaries 2 wif fiona.. Both is nice but i prefer Princess Diaries Than Shark Tale.. Hehex.. Princess Diaries Is soooo Sweet~! I wanted to be a princess~! But i noe i cant.. Sobx.. Nvm.. I'll Be The princess at hm then.. Wahahax.. Fiona Wanted to be a queen.. Hahax,, So I name Her, FIONA YIP, THE QUEEN OF SINGAPURA~ Hehex..
Wanted to watch "the Forgotten", "The Incredibles", "Shutter" and more.. Hahax.. I'm gonna be broke~ Oh tianx~! Hahax..
Been Busy working at John little expo sales tis few days.. I realise that there's quite a no of ppl i noe is working at there too.. Besides, mi, xue jing, esther, von, min, JY, ah shun and his frenz, there's Guo tai, Wei hong, Si ann, Chow, Poon chee leong, Freddie Tay and some east springians that i dunno.. Hahax.. It's fun working with someone u noe.. hahax.. Haix.. Nv contact chao mui and cyn since we start our work.. Dunno how r they le.. Tink both of them is busy with their work too~!
Meet esther n min today at TM cos min want mi to teach her POA But in the end, we spend our time toking at long john.. Hahax.. So i taught her nth.. hahax.. After that, we meet li chuan n wei le ( Both is ah shun frenx) cos they wanna watch movie..But i'm nt going cos got something on.. Then meet the 2 guys, nickname call xiao zhu n his gay fren.. Hahax.. After chatting a while they went for their movie at PS le.. hahax..
So sianx.. Nth to do now.. So i guess i better stop here and start finding something to do.. Hahax.. So Chaoz~

~ { 1:35 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Thursday, November 04, 2004

I'm Back~!
Wow~ It's has been A Week Since I Wrote My Last Entry Huh? HeHeX.. Well.. Had Change My BlogSkin Cos There's Something Wrong With The Previous One..Hmm.. Find Tis Skin Kind Of Familiar.. But I Just Cant Recall Whose Blog I saw Is Using Tis.. So If I Use The Same Skin As U, I'm Sorry~
Ok.. Gonna Start Update Wat I'm Been Doing Last Few Days..
I went To The Interview For John Little Expo Sales, Together With Esther, Min Min, Cyn, Von, JY, Shun And His Frenz, Yk, Jing, Jing's Alvin.. But Yk, Xj n I Went To Meet Our Own Frenz For The Interview.. And Ya.. We Got The Job~ Guo Tai Saw That He HAd Went For The Interview Too But I Was Busy Toking Away Si He Did Not Call Mi Or Anything.. HaHaX.. I din Saw Him.. I'm Blind Lahx.. HaHax..
Next, After The Interview, We Went To Meet Fiona And Ping To Kbox.. HaHax.. So Long Nv See Them Le.. Miz Them Sooo Much.. HeHeX.. There's A Guy Working In Tamp's Kbox Wanna Make Fren Wif Ping But He Ask His Frenz To Ask Ping's no. For Him.. HaHaX.. Ping Like Veri Pai Seh And Sae " I Dun Wan.." Then Fiona Sae " Wait Her Bf Angry~" But His Fren Nv Gif Up Lahx.. Keep Asking N Asking.. Then Ping Ask " Hu Is He??" Then Fiona sae " He Wan Her No., He Dunno How To Cum And Ask Ah? Muz Got Chen Yi Mahx.." Hahax.. So Funny Lahx.. Then Tt Guy Sae ok.. He Go N Ask His Fren To Cum.. Hahax.. Ping Keep Saying " Let's go lahx.. Veri Pai Seh.. Let's Go Before He cum n Ask.." HaHax.. But Still.. We Sat There N Waited For Bout 10 Mins, Tt Guy Still Nv Cum SO We Decided To Leave.. Then When We Were Waiting For The Lift, Tt Guy Hu Wants Ping's no, keep Cuming Out And Look Then WhenWe Turn, He quickly Went Back In..Wahahax.. Kinda Shy Huh? HaHax.. But He Nt Realli Yandao Lehx.. HaHaX.. I Noe I Dun Haf The Right To Sae Whether He Is Yandao Or Nt.. But Tt's Wat I Tink Bout Him Lahx.. HeHeX.. Anyway, He Oso Dun Haf Any More Chance Cos Ping Is Attached~ HeHeX..
Hmm.. Let Mi Tink.. Dun Tink There's Any More Interesting Happen Tis Few Days.. So I Shall Stop Here I guess.. So Tk care, Guys~

~ { 2:04 AM }
aiming for the sky above;